Wheat, Glorious Wheat: Borlaug100
One of the great things about working on “food” is that it’s such a huge and various subject.
This past week I was lucky enough to be one of 700 people from 56 different countries attending the Borlaug100 conference in Obregón, Mexico. In fact, I was privileged to be one of the 25 presenters.
Borlaug and his team developed and, just as important, promoted the varieties of wheat that led to the Green Revolution.
The institution where he did most of his work, CIMMYT (pronounced simit), the Centro de Investigaciones por el Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (the Center for Research to Improve Corn and Wheat), officially founded in 1966 following the joint efforts of the Mexican government and the Rockefeller Foundation to raise crop productivity in Mexico.
What? might say many of you who read this blog regularly? and where? and why?
The Wheat
The trigger for the conference was the 100th anniversary of Borlaug’s birth. He shared the starring role, though, appropriately, with wheat. On the first day, the field day, 16 large buses took us out to the trial plots in groups of 50 each.
Small plots of wheat in ear stretched off toward the circling mountains of the horizon. Each was neatly named, often with a brief history. Some contained varieties of durum wheat, the wheat used for pasta and noodles. Most, though, were dedicated to bread wheat.
Of all the amazing plants on our planet, wheat is one of the more amazing. If you know nothing about wheat, here is a beginner’s guide to wheat evolution, conference proceedings on early wheat, and websites of a selection of places now doing research on wheat.
The ancestors of present day wheat grew abundantly in the Fertile Crescent over 10,000 years ago. They don’t look very promising as food. The seeds are protected by long spikes and layers of coatings that have to be removed. As this threshing is done, they lodge in the skin and the dust prickles the throat. The seeds are tiny and hard, the most difficult of all the raw materials that humans process into food.
Yet our ancestors managed to turn them into bread and pottage and gruel and all kinds of dishes, the names of which are scarcely remembered today. And over the centuries they increased the yield of a plant that had not produced many seeds.
And in the last few generations, wheat yield has soared. Land that used to yield 1-1/2 tons per hectare (a hectare is about the size of the inside of an athletic track or of a soccer field) has now doubled, tripled, and quadrupled to 5, 6 or even 7 or 8 tons a hectare.
We looked at precision machinery for big farmers selling for thousands of dollars and precision machinery for small ones selling for less than $50.
We gazed at the small blimp for taking photographs of the plots.
One of the young researchers expertly manipulated a drone equipped with four cameras up to a couple of hundred feet, flew it over the plots for fifteen minutes.
- Working the drone
And then brought it down to a gentle landing on a piece of plastic to prevent it becoming gummed up with red dust.
And the whole history of wheat was encapsulated in these plots from Triticum monococcum, the archaic wheat from Turkey.
It’s being interbred with modern wheats and was quite the star of the show.

Turkish einkorn wheat (Triticum monoccocum) being interbred with modern wheat. This is just a sample in a pot
The Wheat Breeders
Norm Borlaug was a wheat breeder. I’d never really thought about wheat breeders before, even though I grew up on a farm where wheat was one of the major crops, and even though I’ve spent the past years working on Cuisine and Empire in which wheat crops up time and again.
Yet there have been generations upon generations of wheat breeders, something like thirty thousand generations. These breeders have gone into the fields of standing wheat. They have watched for thirty or forty characteristics, stem, color, disease, leaf shape and size, grains, and so on as the plants developed. They have spoken to them like children, thought of them like humans.
I was lucky to sit next to Marla Barnett on the bus out to the fields. She turned out to be the wheat breeder for the Midwestern operation of Limagrain.
Limagrain, one of the world’s really, really big seed companies, fourth in the world actually, started out after World War II as a cooperative of French farmers eager for better seed.
Limagrain has now taken over Vilmorin, which you may have heard of a supplier of vegetable seeds. Vilmorin is one of the world’s most venerable seed companies founded in 1743 by the seed supplier to Louis XV. In the late nineteenth century Vilmorin was a leader in moving Europe to better varieties of wheat.*
Marla patiently explained the business of wheat breeding to me, a total neophyte. She talked about her 10,000 plots, about the employee who did nothing but keep the records on these plots, about the genetic tests and the tests for milling quality, about the two years it took to produce enough seed from a promising new strain to sell on the market.
Wheat breeders work for universities in the big wheat-growing states and countries; they work for seed companies; and they work for independent research centers such as CIMMYT (see the link to some of these places above).
Someone in our group compared breeding wheat to horse breeding. You can take all the measurements, run all the genetic tests, but in the end, and having narrowed the candidates down to a few, the best breeders go with their instincts.
Borlaug, several people mentioned, had been one of these good breeders. So had some of the other CIMMYT people, including Sanjaya Rajaram, raised in India, with a Ph.D. from Sydney, and now a naturalized Mexican citizen. He holds the record for breeding the greatest number of varieties of rice in the world: 500 varieties released in 51 countries over the past three decade, planted on more than 60 million hectares.
At first, as I met wheat breeder after wheat breeder, I was taken aback by their global presence. And as I talked to them more, I realized that they all know each other, they all circulate through the same universities, the same research centers, the same conferences. They exchange information about drought resistant varieties, about varieties with greater or lesser amounts of straw, and about the ongoing struggle against diseases and pests, a struggle that was already old when the Biblical plagues of Egypt struck.
It’s tough work, in remote field locations, with your wife left at home to raise the family half a country or half a world away.
Half a day in the field had me and many of the other attendees exhausted with standing in the 100 degree heat, the dust, and the extreme dryness.
Although there are now a good few women wheat breeders, the stories that were told of life as a wheat breeder reminded me of my undergraduate days in geology: hard-working days, beer and beef in the evening.
And that’s not such a bad analogy it occurs to me, as these breeders and the farmers they work with are providing the raw materials for our food just as miners and oil men are providing metals and fuel.

The wimps among us huddling under shelter watching the hard core group continue to inspect the wheat plots
And just to top it off, there were the stories of going into Aleppo, Syria to get the ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas) seeds and genetic materials to safe housing in Morocco and Lebanon.
The Conference
Then it was on to the conference proper held in the lovely surroundings of the campus of La Salle University with its large reflecting pools and covered ‘corredors’ for open air dining.

Chinese graduate student, Hungarian wheat breeders, Indian graduate student, Spanish wheat breeder, Argentinian wheat breeder, and American historian
Media and ambassadors, farmers and breeders, ministers of agriculture from India, China, and elsewhere, graduate students and retired professors packed the very fine conference hall.
Some sessions were easy for everyone to understand, such as the memorials to Borlaug, the conversation between Sir Gordon Conway and Howard Buffet.

Gordon Conway drawing out Howard Buffet (by the way, the flower arrangements at each side of the stage composed of wheat and roses were spectacular).
Another of these was my own presentation on “Wheat: The Grain at the Center of Civilization.” I believe it will be up on the CIMMYT website in a couple of days. In the meantime, here’s a blog post about my talk on the intertwined history of wheat and civilization from the University of Missouri.
Others stretched me to the limit. Wolfgang Pfeiffer on high-zinc wheat, Tony Fischer on closing the gap between best-practice wheat-growing and ordinary farm practice, Robert Herdt on the details of population growth and projected increase in wheat yield, Graham Farquhar on climate change, and Ian King on increasing the genetic diversity of wheat by breeding with close relatives such as rye, Thinopyrum, Aegilops, and other kinds of Triticum.
I have to say I found the technical papers even more fascinating than the more general ones because they opened my eyes to the amount of sheer intelligence and hard work dedicated to wheat. I wished I could have stayed for the third day but, with only a couple of flights a day and an extra charter, transport in and out of Obregón was difficult.
And when my head could take nothing more on wheat there were a hundred and fifty poster sessions outside the hall from Kazakhstan and Ethiopia, from northern Nigeria and Tunisia, from India and Chile, from Pakistan and Bhutan.
The Place: Obregón, Sonora, Mexico
And why in Obregón? It’s actually a story that appeals to the romantic in me. Obregón’s a frontier town in the Sonora Desert between the coast and the US border, a flat plain called the Yaqui Valley after the Yaquis who lived there. It was founded in 1901 when irrigation channels bringing water from a reservoir in the circling mountains and a railroad turned this area one of the breadbaskets of Mexico.
Even now it’s a town of only 120,000 people. Driving out to the airport, my taxi driver, Ramón Andujo Carrillo, drove me through the Zona Norte of the town where the big wheat growers have their houses.
Taking me to the airport, he slowed down so that I could snap the irrigation canal that has turned this valley in Mexico into one of its premier breadbaskets.
Silo after silo that bordered the road and railroad that led to the port.
Originally CIMMYT was based just outside Mexico City, where its headquarters still are. There wheat is planted in the spring and harvested in the fall.
Borlaug had the idea that if he could find a place where wheat could be planted in the fall and harvested in the spring, he could breed twice a year instead of just once, thereby doubling the pace of the work. Obregón (the Yaqui valley on the map below) was that place.
Obregón turned out to have a second advantage. It’s apparently representative in climate and soil of about 40% of the wheat-growing areas in the world, making strains of wheat developed there widely usable world-wide.
And why is this romantic? or perhaps better significant?
Because we are so used to thinking that all the action in world history takes place in the big capitals. Of course it doesn’t. It was in this remote spot that the work that saved so very many lives was carried out.
To many of the experts who attended, the field plots were one more set to add to the many they had visited around the world, the talks were the latest wrinkle on technical problems in wheat breeding or the most recent effort to put numbers on population growth, wheat yields and acreage, and climate change.
To me, even though I grew up on a wheat farm and have spent years on a food history in which wheat plays a starring role, it was an entry point into a whole new world that had been previously completely out of sight.
So thank you to Tom Lumpkin, Director of CIMMYT, and Hans-Joachim Braun for including me, to Sanjaya Rajaram for introducing me (and expertly catching me as I nearly ended my talk with an ignominious fall from the podium), to Jennie Nelson Gray, Program Manager for the Global Wheat Program for thinking of me in the first place, to all the staff of CIMMYT for flawless organization, and to Rob Paarlberg, Derek Byerlee, and Susan McCouch for acting as interpreters for this neophyte in the world of wheat.
* Vilmorin has been in the wheat business a long time. As a background to my Powerpoint slides I used an illustration from Les meilleurs blés (the best wheats) this gorgeous book of late nineteenth century wheat varieties published by Vilmorin. Thanks to Mark Nesbit and Delwen Samuel for the link and for so much else interesting on wheat, particularly on its early history.

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Nice blog, Rachel, looking forward to the full paper.
Pingback: A food historian at CIMMYT
It is worthy to read.I never read such a good presentation for a technical matter in such a language understandable to all. Thanks, Rachell.
Now that’s what I call a conference report! Thanks so much Rachel.
Very interesting report. I learned a great deal and appreciate Rachel’s clear writing. I noticed, however, that in all the discussions of breeding for pest- and disease-resistance, drought tolerance, etc. there is no mention of breeding for better nutrition or for wheats that may be easier to digest for people with problems assimilating certain glutens, ATIs or other components in wheat. At the end of the day the point of wheat is to sustain the human body in better health. I know there are limitations to what can be included in a report like this but I would be curious whether this topic was covered at the conference and if so, by whom.
Hi Cynthia, thanks for reading my post. In the two days I was there (I missed the third day), there was no mention of better nutrition or problems of assimilating glutens or other components of wheat. For reasons that I will explain later, I did not raise these questions.
But I did make a bet with myself when I posted this late Friday that by 9 a.m. Monday morning, one of my readers would have raised them.
I believe I know why they were not an issue but I would like to check with some of the other participants. So wait for another blog about this. It won’t be before the middle of next week because this week is entirely taken up with presentations in California.
By the way, I love the myths busted page of the whole grains council site. If readers don’t know this, and if they are concerned about gluten in wheat, I strongly suggest visiting.
Thanks for the kind words about the Whole Grains Council site, Rachel. This question came into my head while I read your wonderful blog because of a whole grains conference I attended in May 2012 in Minneapolis, where one speaker said, “Wheat in North America undergoes 50+ quality assessments and NONE are related to nutrition” while another said, “Wheat breeders focus on productivity, not health, because their clients are farmers and seed companies. Nutritionists aren’t on their radar, so no one is breeding for higher lutein or more bioactives.” Apparently some breeders are thinking about this: I just read an article today about more breeding programs for some of the “ancient” hulled wheats like emmer, einkorn and spelt. (http://cerealchemistry.aaccnet.org/doi/abs/10.1094/CCHEM-09-13-0179-RW)
Thanks for getting back so quickly, Cynthia. It’s a question that comes up all the time, not just about wheat but about all kinds of plant breeding programs. Breeders have to sell to farmers, farmers have to sell to millers (if it’s wheat), millers have to sell to bakers (if it’s bread wheat), they have to sell to us. All kinds of pressure points.
Thanks for the link. I checked the abstract. Ah ha processing methods. These I think are another key part of the equation. Dealing with hulled wheat has never been easy.
Anyway, I really do want to do a serious blog post on this.
Dear Rachel and Cynthia,
first of all many thanks to Rachel for truly interesting presentation at the Borlaug Summit. I can tell you already now that it is ranking among the top 5 presentations of the summit (based on survey that is going on).
In relation to the question about missing presentation on wheat quality and nutrition: There was one presentation on wheat biofortification – by Wolfgang Pfeiffer (Harvest Plus) which can be found here:
Apart of that, the summit committee had planned from the very begging to have presentation on ‘Wheat is a healthy crop’. For long time we hoped that Matthew Morell from Australia will be able to come, but he had recently changed his jobs and declined. We were trying hard to find another speaker (Joanne Slavin, Peter Shewry and others), but with no luck. One of the reasons was that there was a 10th Vahouny Dietary Fiber Symposium in Maryland in exactly same dates.
Finally, we were also hoping that representatives of milling/baking industry (BIMBO, PEPSICO, etc) would touch on this topic. But none of them accepted our invitation to come to the symposium … for whatever reason working with baking and milling industry is not easy … like id they do not realize that they depend on the materia prima from the field …
But yes, we recognize that this topic wasn’t addressed sufficiently in the summit. Will try to do better next time :)
Bests Petr
Petr, Thanks so much for that useful reply. I’ll be following up with you on this. And so happy to hear that my presentation added to the event.
Petr, No apologies or regrets necessary — Your conference sounds wonderful and you are to be applauded; no event can cover all the possible topics. The WGC is now planning its next conference (http://wholegrainscouncil.org/get-involved/attend-our-conference) and hoping to include speakers on controversial issues of wheat quality and health. Fingers crossed that we have better luck with speaker availability — always a tricky thing. If we can ever help you with industry contacts, please don’t hesitate to contact me; we work with a lot of companies through their use of the Whole Grain Stamp.
Cynthia, so sorry I didn’t post this before. The perils of being on the road. Good luck with your conference.
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