A Coke and a Pill?
Coca-Cola, originally uploaded by Simon Shek.
“Why can’t we put simple medicines or supplies into Coca-Cola crates? So wherever you can get a cola, you can get rehydration salts, malaria tablets, water purifiers, mosquito nets, whatever.”
If the Coke distribution network penetrates as far in Africa as it does in Mexico, this would certainly get into remote areas. Seems an idea worthy of a trial.
But lots of readers of this blog know more about the situation on the ground than I do. What do you think?
PS. Thanks Kay.

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Brilliant idea. At least in the Horn of Africa, Coke stores are dedicated free standing cafes, perfectly logoed and staffed. They certainly have an amazing distribuition network. I was once in Barentu, a small village in Eritrea near the Sudanese border. There was no potable water or local beer but plenty of Coca Cola, and trucks were escorted by the army. They may as well have been bringing other necessities! What better place to get such supplies than a Coca Cola cafe!/?
Seems so to me. And Coke will probably like it as publicity which is just fine by me.