No Goat on the US Commodities Roster
For me, all this puts the debates about the US Agricultural Secretary in a shining global light.
“Goat meat is the most widely consumed meat in the world. That’s right, goat meat! Approximately sixty-three percent of the world’s total meat consumption can be credited to goat meat and it is estimated that eighty percent of the world’s population eats goat as a staple in their diet.”
For more, go to Bob Mrotek on goats. More on your sources would be great Bob.
For work with goats in Africa, you can’t beat Diana Buja, here.
Regarding sources…sorry but I am not writing a book. Anyone who wants to can check it out for themselves :)
Rachel, Thanks for the link to Bob’s page on goats – good summary, Bob! For more information on the points raised by Bob – and some others – look at the different articles below, written primarily for goat farmers in North America and Europe, who often have little knowledge of goats (or a lot of other critters) outside of a pretty artificial farming environment:
mmm…birria de chivo! Silly gabachos get on the goat train!
Agreed Alex. And thanks Diana. I specially like “Eating Toxic Plants as Part of an All-Round Diet” partly because it’s a great title, partly because it’s so directly applicable to other species, us included.