How to grind maize for tortillas on a metate (simple grindstone)
My comrade-in-culinary-arms, Ken Albala asked for hints on grinding maize for tortillas on a metate. First, for those of you who don’t know what a tortilla is, it is the…
Read moreMy comrade-in-culinary-arms, Ken Albala asked for hints on grinding maize for tortillas on a metate. First, for those of you who don’t know what a tortilla is, it is the…
Read moreBlogs are very funny things. For the last few days, the most popular has been a post on the famous malasadas of the Punahou carnival in Hawaii, malasadas that Obama…
Read moreFood entrepreneurship is alive and well in Mexico. I am constantly amazed by the small start ups selling fruit cakes or home made flour tortillas or typical sweets or fruit…